Who wants to know 19 tips on how to start your long distance relationship the best way?

My Sweet LDR
6 min readNov 26, 2021


Is start a long distance relationship with someone you just met something you’re anxious about?

This question haunts every person who has just met someone online. It’s normal, and for a very good reason. Do you want to know her?

Your relationship is more than a virtual fantasy. It’s a twist.

It came as a surprise. Events have brought you to this point, to talk with this person.

To tell you the truth, you would never have imagined it a few days before.
« Me in a long distance relationship? Classic relationships are hard enough as it is, so if I add this problem, it’s impossible! »

Yet, something deep inside you wants to believe it.

And that’s terribly scary. What will you do if this relationship fails? Will you be condemned to stay single forever, looking for a match in the same city? Will you have the strength?

Admit that this question is running through your mind, that’s why you are looking for information on Google.

Asking this question to your close friends or family never crossed your mind: they would have a hard time putting themselves in your place and would tell you to come back down to earth…
Like « You’ll never meet him, he lives hours away! Who says he’s real, anyway? »


Don’t worry, you’re in the right place.
I started my international long distance relationship with my girlfriend a week before the Covid-19 epidemic.

  • 10,000 kilometers and an ocean between France and Peru
  • Between 6 and 7 hours of time difference
  • The impossibility of projecting oneself in the future because of the closing of the borders
  • A common language that is not our mother tongue: English

And guess what? We will celebrate our two years of relationship together in France, at the beginning of next year.

We’ve made mistakes, of course.
But we have also overcome them. You wouldn’t be reading this otherwise.

What if I told you exactly what the most common silly mistakes are, and how to avoid them?
You could sleep soundly.

You start a long distance relationship with someone you just met and want it to be the last one of your life?
Read this.

1) Make sure the person you start your long distance relationship with doesn’t think you’re an asshole

The first tip on this list is obvious. But I’d rather remind you of it.

Tell me:
How would you react if after several weeks of talking day and night to someone you met on the internet, he tells you that he lied to you since the beginning, and that he has nothing to do physically with the pictures you saw?

Or worse:
If he asks you for money with a made-up lie?

I can’t count the number of stories and scams I’ve heard! And swallow your spit: it happens more often than you think. The damage is monstrous, and the after-effects remain for life:

  • Loss of self-confidence
  • Loss of confidence in others
  • Feeling of having been betrayed
  • Feeling of having wasted time
  • And so on…

And the longer the time spent talking, the more the symptoms are amplified! Cases of depression in France are far from being rare. It is a serious phenomenon where the victims are counted in thousands.

So please: before start a long distance relationship, be 100000% sure that the person you are talking to is who he or she claims to be.

A simple video call is enough to know!

Then, pay attention to what he says and if his words are coherent. Finally, never send money over the Internet. This is the basis.

That was the first step. Now, here are some essential tips for thriving in the early days of your LDR.

2) Distance is not an excuse for less effort

I jumped in with both feet… Probably my biggest mistake in the beginning of our relationship.

I’ll be honest with you: I didn’t take distance « seriously » at all, at first.

I couldn’t imagine what it would do to my organization!

Because even if your partner is hundreds of miles away, in a couple you are both.

And thinking the other way around is bound to lead to arguments.
Why do I know this? Because I’ve lived it.

A long distance relationship is a relationship.
A real one.
With a capital R.

People who say otherwise are far from being in love like I am.

So cherish your partner.
Make him/her vibrate with pleasure and blush like a tomato! Don’t rest on your laurels and act like you’re in a traditional relationship.

Making less effort because you are at a distance is killing your relationship slowly, and leaving it in agony by ignoring his cries of pain.

3) Being curious and open-minded is key!

Starting a long distance relationship with someone you just met is about opening the door of your mind to new things.
You will potentially discover through your partner a new culture, habits of life completely different from yours, ways of thinking that you would have never imagined and traditions from another world.

Always be open to differences, and to what you will learn about your partner’s life. And he will do the same!

By doing this, you will grow together and make each other want to travel to see it all up close!

4) Trust (you have no choice)

How to start a long distance relationship in the best way possible: trust.

I’ll touch on this briefly, as I’ve already written a full article on how to deal with your jealousy from a distance.

In traditional relationships, excessive jealousy breaks couples into a million pieces every day.

So imagine in your situation, with hundreds (or thousands) of miles between you.

It’s just not possible. The fight is lost.
You might as well give up now and admit defeat.

Remember this:
If your partner has decided to start this LDR, it’s because he or she believes in it wholeheartedly. It’s not to waste your time. It’s because he loves you, and he believes it will work and that your long distance relationship is worth it.

So learn to trust, talk with him about your doubts and respect each other.

The next point gives you a simple but terribly effective technique to help you trust easily. It’s a pity that too few people apply it!

5) Establish common rules that are never broken

Be clear about this. Eradicate any doubt.

With Kyomi, we consider ourselves an « independent » couple.

What I mean is that we will never explicitly impose a rule on each other. We absolutely want to avoid that to keep our relationship healthy.

We’ve only made two exceptions: and we’ve branded them to remember that they’re light years away from being harmless. They are clear, bilateral and unchangeable exceptions.

We’ve been perfectly clear to apply these two rules.
We promised to do so by looking each other in the eye and giving our commitment.

From time to time, we remind ourselves of them. Just to know that they are there, always present around us.

Kind of like when you put your hand over your pocket to make sure your cell phone is still there, when you know for a fact it is.

Do the same in your long distance relationship. Never be excessive and avoid asking for the moon.

Every rule should go both ways and apply to both you and the other.
This will help you to start your long distance relationship in good conditions, and knowing the stakes behind it.

Now let’s talk about arguments. Yes, you won’t escape them!

Want to read the rest of this article and discover my 14 other tips?

Do it directly on my blog! Click here to read the whole article



My Sweet LDR
My Sweet LDR

Written by My Sweet LDR

Owner and creator of https://my-sweet-ldr.com A blog about long distance relationship who help your couple to break the routine and fix problems

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