LDR community: join my Long Distance Relationship Support Group!

My Sweet LDR
3 min readFeb 19, 2022

Long Distance Relationship Support Group:

Among your friends and family, are you the only person in a long-distance relationship?

You don’t know who to ask for advice about your LDR?

Think your situation is unique and no one can understand you?

You’re wrong.

You are light years away from being alone!

In the U.S. alone, there are considered to be 14 million couples in a long-distance relationship. And this statistic is from… 2005.

Yes, it’s scary to know that one of the last serious studies on this subject is already more than 15 years old.

For other statistics related to the evolution of LDR couples problem, I refer you to my own study.

But that’s not the point.

After several years of long distance relationships and gathering an LDR community around My Sweet LDR, I realized one thing:

There is strength in numbers.

That’s why I created a private Facebook
Group entirely dedicated to long distance couples!

This is the perfect LDR support group if you are in a long distance relationship! You can:

  • Solve your LDR problems: boredom, jealousy, withdrawal, break the distance, covid issues…
  • Ask your questions and get answers from people who understand your situation (since they are going through it too!)
  • Help others in turn with your experiences
  • Tell your story
  • Be part of a caring LDR community and build friendships

Why did I create this Long Distance Relationship Support Group?

There are three main reasons:

1) Because most Long distance relationship support groups on Facebook suck

I know them well. When I started my blog, I joined most of them to talk about my articles. I realized one thing: most of them are not interesting.

On them, you often find the same thing: quotes, ads to find love, jokes about couples, and even scams…

Nobody is in a long distance relationship and has experienced the pain of having to separate from his partner in an airport. There are still some that stand out, but good luck finding them among the hundreds of groups that exist.

2) To allow you to express yourself

The blog and social networks are really cool.

The biggest weakness unfortunately is that it’s only one way. It’s hard for you to be able to participate and expose your situation.

This LDR support group is entirely dedicated to you and allows you to express yourself without fear!

3) To create more links between you

As I said, in a long distance relationship support group everyone can express themselves.

And I would love to exchange with you, to know different points of view… To know you better ! I have shared a lot of details of my life and my LDR story with Kyomi and I would like to know yours now

It’s up to you!

Join my LDR Support Group on Facebook now!



My Sweet LDR

Owner and creator of https://my-sweet-ldr.com A blog about long distance relationship who help your couple to break the routine and fix problems