How to deal with LDR with Time Difference (and win 2hr/week)

My Sweet LDR
4 min readFeb 19, 2022

How to deal with long distance relationship with time difference? Hard to answer, huh?

Reconciling long-distance relationships and time differences.

Between your work, your family commitments, your passions and those of your partner on the other side of the country (or the world), the time slots to spend together are rare.

It forces you to stay under the comforter for hours texting all night. And wake up on Sunday at 1pm.

I know what I’m talking about:
With my girlfriend, we have a 7 hours time difference. She wakes up when it’s 3pm at my place. I go to bed when it’s 6pm for her.

This leaves us little time to enjoy moments together. And I was tired of staying up super late every weekend!

So we tried some things. Some of them were really rotten, others didn’t suit us.
But in the lot, we still found effective techniques that allow us to spend 3 to 4 hours of extra time together every week.

Pretty interesting, right?

In this article, I give you my 10 best techniques to answer the question « How to deal with long distance relationship with time difference ».

We have tried them all with my girlfriend. The best ones are 1, 2, 8 and 10.

Let’s get started!

1) Shift your life by 30 minutes and gain 1 hour of extra time

You read that right!

If you get up 30 minutes earlier and your partner goes to bed 30 minutes later, you’ll spend 1 hour more each day you’re both awake.

And it’s within everyone’s reach.
Anyone can do it, you just need the willpower!

It’s exactly the same as aches and pains: you feel them at first, but after a few days your body gets used to them.

The downside is that it doesn’t apply in all situations.
If your partner is working even if you wake up 30 minutes earlier, it won’t work.

Good news: that’s not the case with the next 3 tips!

2) Make a LDR planning

How to deal with long distance relationship with time difference? With a LDR planning!

Do you know what a long distance relationship requires in addition to communication and trust?


You will have to adapt to your partner’s schedule, and so will he.

With Kyomi, we have created a planner to find your way around and know your partner’s schedule in the blink of an eye.

In addition to having a unique object between us, it has brought us even closer. Our organization is much better and we manage to spend several hours more together thanks to this!

I show you exactly how to make your LDR planning in this article (with pictures of ours!).

3) How to deal with long distance relationship with time difference: Stay connected!

LDR’s have never been easier than in this day and age.

  • 20 years ago, you had to pay to talk with your partner.
  • 15 years ago, conversations were only done on Skype. Social networks did not exist.
  • 10 years ago, no gadgets were connected to the internet. Only our phones and computers

A few months ago, Mark Zuckerberg announced the « Metavers » project. Imagine the possibilities!

So how to fight jet lag?

Use technology.

  • Apple Watch allows you to send your heartbeat
  • Bond Touch wristbands give you the ability to send personalized vibrations
  • Talsam jewels light up when it sends you a text message
  • Friendship Lamps light up when you touch it

The possibilities are numerous!

It’s up to you to make your choice and pick what fits your LDR the most.

This was the only point that requires a small investment. The next two tips are organizational

4) Plan some free time when your partner is awake

It’s Saturday, you’re not working but you need to buy things and move forward on one of your projects.

You saw me coming: use your time in the best way possible and optimize it!

Try as much as possible to finish your personal obligations when your partner is not available.

If you’re like me and your girlfriend always wakes up between 2 and 3 pm, do your shopping in the morning.
That way, you’re free in the afternoon.

If your partner does the same as you, you’ll find new slots to call each other and spend time together. That’s a promise!

5) Sacrifice your sleep

A classic and a little bit gruff. But it works well.

And I know what I’m talking about! I think every LDR couple on the planet has experienced this.

How many times have I stayed up until 4 or 5 in the morning to continue talking with Kyomi?

I spent many a late morning in bed on Sunday morning!

That was my first solution to how to deal with long distance relationship with time difference.

And you know what?
I don’t regret those moments at all. Because they helped us build our relationship.

So every once in a while, feel free to do this if you like the night world (if you don’t mind dark circles!).

This article is not finished!

Discover the other 5 points directly on my blog by clicking here.



My Sweet LDR

Owner and creator of A blog about long distance relationship who help your couple to break the routine and fix problems